Events, Scholarships Established to Honor Fallen Maui Firefighter

May 5, 2023
Firefighter Tre Evans-Dumaran, 24, died in February after he was swept into a storm drain.

Maui Firefighter Tre Evans-Dumaran's life on earth was short.

He died in February after being swept away in a storm drain in Kihei while helping during flooding.

A probe by the investigators with Hawaii Occupation Safety and Health determined a number of missteps led to the fatal incident. The county agreed to pay the $150,000 fine. 

Evans-Dumaran’s legacy will continue, through the Live Like Tre foundation, Tre's girlfriend, Jadelyn Carillo, told KHON reporters. 

The foundation was created to inspire others to perform acts of kindness, something the firefighter and aspiring pilot was known for.

Three free events will celebrate what he loved most -- family, friends and the fire service. There will be food, music, family activities, and a fire truck for children to check out.

Donations collected by the foundation will go to new firefighter training and a scholarship for student athletes. Carillo said special consideration will go towards students from single-parent households.

Evans-Dumaran was raised by his mother since she was a teen.

“We have another scholarship for students who have a desire to become a pilot. He really wanted to become a pilot. He wanted to help people and be a firefighter. But his goal was eventually to become a pilot,"  explained Lisa Carillo, his girlfriend's mother. 

About the Author News

Content curated and written by Firehouse editorial staff, including Susan Nicol, Steven Shaw, Peter Matthews, Ryan Baker and Rich Dzierwa.